
  • A traveller coming temporarily to the Republic of Lithuania from the third countries may bring free of import duties and taxes:
    • articles for personal use, including goods the value of which does not exceed the below indicated;
    • means of transport for personal use;
    • audio, video and data carriers, public information materials, professional equipment.
  • In other cases, a traveller coming to the Republic of Lithuania from the third countries may bring free of import duties and taxes:
    • private property in case a traveller changes his permanent residence and moves to Lithuania from a third country;
    • dot, new and used domestic appliances that belong to it, if a person moves from a third country to settle permanently in Lithuania in case of marriage; also wedding presents with the value under 1000 EUR, received from persons residing in a third country;
    • articles for non-commercial purposes carried as personal baggage (being brought irregularly and intended for personal use of travellers or their family members or to be given as presents), if their aggregate value (except restricted articles indicated below) does not exceed:
      • 430 EUR, if a traveller arrives by air or sea transport;
      • 150 EUR, if the articles are brought by a traveller under 15 years of age; members of the crew of vehicles travelling on regular international routs to or from the third countries; persons working and (or) residing in state border area neighbouring a third country*.
      • 300 EUR, if the articles are brought by other persons.

More information regarding the carriage of goods is available on the web page of the Lithuanian Customs at the address: www.lrmuitine.lt

When bringing in higher quantities of goods, customs duties, excise duties and value-added-tax shall be paid.

If the value of goods subject to customs duties and carried as personal baggage for non-commercial purposes does not exceed 700 EUR, customs duties are assessed by applying the standard duty rate of 2,5 percent. In case this value is exceeded, customs duties are assessed referring to the customs tariff.

The standard duty rate shall not apply to tobacco products and alcoholic beverages as well as in the cases where, before assessing customs duties, a traveller requests the customs authorities to apply customs duties set out in the customs tariff.

More information regarding the carriage of goods is available on the web page of the Lithuanian Customs at the address www.lrmuitine.lt

One person over 17 years of age may import free of import duties and taxes:


  Travellers by air transport Crew members***
Cigarettes 200 units, or  40 units, or
Cigarillos (cigars of a maximum weight of 3 grams each) 100 units, or 20 units, or
Cigars 50 units, or 10 units, or
Smoking tobacco 250 g 50 g
Heating tobacco products 200 units 40 units
Electronic cigarette liquid 50 ml 20 ml


  Travellers arriving by air transport Crew members***
Strong alcoholic beverages (vodka, cognac, brandy, whiskey, etc.) with an alcohol concentration higher than 22 % 1 litre, or 0,5 litre, or
Ethyl alcohol and acoholic beverages of a concentration exceeding 22 % 1 litre, or 0,5 litre, or
Ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages of a concentration not exceeding 22 % 2 litres 0,75 litre
Still wines 4 litres 0,75 litre
Beer  16 litres 4 litres

*** –members of the crew of vehicles travelling on regular international routs to or from the third countries.

When calculating non-taxable value or determining non-taxable quantity, the value or quantity of one product shall not be decomposed, i.e. the whole product, due to which the indicated limit, value or quantity is exceeded, shall be subject to taxes.


Travellers are NOT ALLOWED to import in their personal baggage from the third countries to the European Union any meat, milk, or meat and dairy products. The exemption is applied to imports of up to 10 kg of meat, milk, or meat and dairy products for personal use from Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, San Marino, and Switzerland.

Travellers are ALLOWED to import a limited amount of dry baby milk, baby food as well as food for medical purposes if:

  • The quantity is lower than 2 kg;
  • it requires no freezing before use;
  • it is packed in original manufacturer’s pachages intended for sale to the end consumer;
  • their package is not broken, unless they are currently used.

A traveller is permitted to import meat and dairy products for personal use via the approved veterinary border inspection posts of the EU only if he/she:

  • has the necessary documents received from the state veterinary service of the country he/she has departed from;
  • declares all such articles and provides the relevant documents to the veterinary control upon arrival at the veterinary border inspection post.

If a traveller fails to observe the above rules, food products will be confiscated and destroyed upon arrival to the border of the European Union. If the traveller fails to declare that he carries such products, he/she may be subjected to penalty or prosecuted.

More information regarding the carriage of food products is available on the web page of the State Food and Veterinary Service at the address: www.vmvt.lt


According to Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 on protective measures against pests of plants, from 14 December 2019 the importation of all the plants (seeds, fresh fruit or vegetables, cut flowers, seedlings, etc.) to Lithuania and European Union is banned from third countries without phytosanitary certificates. There are no exceptions for passengers importing plants for their own needs (for final use) from third countries. A general exception is applied only to 5 kinds of fruit: pineapples, coconuts, durians, bananas and dates.

Please note that such plants which are intended for planting (seeds, sprouts, seedlings, etc.) may be imported only through those border checkpoints where phytosanitary posts are available. Two phytosanitary posts have been installed at airports (phytosanitary border inspection posts at Kaunas Airport and phytosanitary border inspection posts of Zokniai Airport). 

More information regarding the carriage of plants and plant products is available on the webpage of the State Plant Protection Service at the address: www.vatzum.lt


Not more than 5 original packages of medicinal products are allowed to be brought in without the prescription copy or physician`s warrant. With the prescription copy or physician's warrant, allowable number could be from 6 to 9 original packages of medicinal product of the same name, pharmaceutical form, strength and dosage number. More than 10 original packages of the same name medicinal product or more than 10 packages of the medicinal products of different names are allowed to be brought only with a special physician's warrant.

On conveying narcotic and psychotropic medicines through the border of the Republic of Lithuania, travellers (both those entering and those leaving the country) should observe the following rules:

  • narcotic and psychotropic medicines are allowed to carry only for personal use in connection with health care;
  • when going to a Shengen state, it is required to possess together with medicines carried a certificate in a prescribed form issued by a health care institution; and when going to a non-Shengen state, the copies of the prescriptions of medicines being carried are required (the copies of these prescriptions does not need to be endorsed by the Ministry of Health);
  • only the certificate or prescription (a copy of the prescription) issued in the name of the traveller is valid;
  • medicines shall not be carried in bigger amounts than indicated in the certificate or prescription (its copy);
  • when going to a Shengen state, narcotic medicines can be carried in the amounts needed for a period not longer than 30 days, and when going to a non-Shengen state - for a period not longer than 15 days;
  • psychotropic medicines can be carried in the amounts needed for a period not longer than 30 days;
  • medicines shall be kept only in original packages (in which the medicines have been bought in pharmacies).

If medicines are required for a longer treatment course, we suggest taking with you a certificate about disease and treatment prescribed, issued by a doctor in an appropriate foreign language, in order it would be possible to consult foreign doctors for prescribing the necessary medicines.

Narcotic medicines are the medicines containing the following substances: buprenorfin, fentanyl, methadone, morphine, petidine, tramadol.

Psychotropic medicines are the medicines containing the following substances: alprazolam, bromazepam, chlordiazepoksid, diazepam, estazolam, klonazepam, klorazepat, bigger dozes of codeine, fenobarbital, lorazepam, medazepam, midazolam, oksazepam, nitrazepam, pentazocin, temazepam, tetrazepam, triazolam, zolpidem.

If you have any questions concerning the conveyance of medicines through the border of the Republic of Lithuania, please apply to the Lithuanian State Medicines Control Agency (SMCA) under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania. Phone numbers: (+370 5) 261 65 49, (+370 5) 212 40 59. The address of the web page of the agency: www.vvkt.lt.


Travellers entering or leaving the Community customs territory and carrying cash or easily convertible assets (e. g. bonds, shares, traveller’s cheques...) of the value of EUR 10 000 or more are obliged to declare that sum at the border customs posts on the Cash declaration form.

Any natural person who is either entering the Republic of Lithuania from other EU Member State, or is travelling from the Republic of Lithuania to other EU Member State and carrying cash of a value of more than 10 000 EUR (or the equivalent of that sum in other currency) is required to declare that sum on the Cash declaration form when asked to do so by the customs officer.


The main documents required for travelling pets are a Pet passport and a veterinary entry document for animals. Rules and recommendations for travelling with pet animals are laid down and regulated by the State Food and Veterinary Service of the Republic of Lithuania. More information about travelling with pets: www.vmvt.lt





Last updated: 2024 02 01 22:00